“Can I Find your Business on Facebook?”
The Importance of Using Social Media to Improve Your Business
“I’d love to stay updated on your products/services and events! Is your business on Facebook?” These words have become a natural extension of conversations and introductions between businesses, clients, and consumers. As technology is advancing and consumers become more focused on the social aspects of personal, work, and recreational life, businesses must keep up with the new marketing techniques that arise from these changes in order to stay relevant in the eyes of consumers and to continue gaining customers.
Why is this social trend so important for businesses to follow? A study done by Pew Research Center found that 65% of all adults in the United States were using at least one social media platform by 2015. In just young adults ages 18-29, 90% used at least one social media platform by 2015. These results show that the majority of Americans are using social media and that social media usage is highest among young adults. That is a huge market that businesses without social media marketing may be missing out on.
In correlation, young Millennials and the newer Generation Z are the most “sought after” customers by marketers. These young customers have not yet established loyalty to a brand and are therefore the easiest for marketers to influence. Combining their consumer vulnerability with their high use of social media, this group of consumers could be highly impacted by social media marketing.
In turn, by taking advantage of social media platforms, marketers can significantly increase their business. In the 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, “90% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses,” and 77% indicated that these efforts increase traffic in their business.
Additionally, aside from increased exposure and traffic, social media marketing can help businesses in more brick-and-mortar ways. In the same Social Media Marketing Industry Report, more than half of all marketers who put efforts into social media marketing noted that they have seen reduced marketing expenses in their companies. Plus, 71% of marketers receive marketplace insight from viewers by using social media marketing. Furthermore, companies can build a loyal base of followers on social media platforms, which can become loyal customers.
Whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, or LinkedIn, a social media presence is beneficial to businesses. Using social media can increase a company’s exposure and traffic, decrease the marketing budget, create a loyal fan base, and help improve the inner workings and structure of your business.
But which platforms should you spend the most time and efforts using? Facebook remains at the peak of social media usage with a high 93% of marketers’ use, followed by Twitter at 79%, and LinkedIn at 77%. These three platforms are the most utilized by marketers and are also the most used social media platforms by Americans, making them the perfect place to gain exposure for your company.
So take advantage of social technologies as a way to market your business. They provide an effective method of gaining exposure for your company, and building connections with and loyalty from your consumer base. If you need any help starting or managing your social media marketing, contact us at Different Perspective and we’ll be happy to assist you.
1 Pew Research Center
2 Boston Globe
3 Small Business Trends